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ExoSense was developed from 28-02-2018 to 18-06-2018 by Kowhai Studio. It was planned as a cooperative experience that brings players closer by making them little to work with and requiring communication to progress. The game rewards the players by improving these communication skills and creates a feeling of comradeship between the players.

ExoSense’s development was kept behind by the multiplayer aspect due to this being a first for the studio. People, in general, liked the multiplayer aspect after being told what the game is about. To save time we as a studio agreed to create split-screen co-op to keep this aspect in the game. This decision was made due to multiplayer being too time consuming especially in our limited timeframe of fourteen weeks.

 Also, this being the largest studio group to date was both an advantage and a disadvantage. The positives are mostly around being able to widen the group’s skill set and being able to help each other more consistently as a result. Contrary to this; the large group made progress slightly slower than expected due to ideas being constantly added to the game with not enough scrutiny to make sure it’s beneficial to the game.

The team’s main way of keeping on track has been “Trello”. This tool has been invaluable as a way of managing the large team and making sure that each member is involved in something at each time in the project’s development. Trello helps to visualise the information that the managers need to get across to people such as looming deadlines as well as who is assigned to each part of the project’s key parts. This keeps a steady pace for the team and helps to identify what parts might cause issues with time and how we can assign team members to assist if need be.

To summarise ExoSense has come across some issues in development and was behind for a majority of its development. However, the team involved in development has managed to continue to work consistently through tough situations and has managed to grow as a result. To be brief the team and project has been a success through its dedication to the project and wanting to see it done for the team and consumer’s sake.

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